Monday, January 24, 2011


This is a new piece "Empty Gesture".  It is about four layers in now.  I had a loose plan and it has deviated wildly.  Trying to loosen up my marks, investigate "gesture" in terms of Ab-Ex (questioning expressive mark-making now, attempting to access this so-called "pure expression", etc. etc.), and bridge the gap between the "Chi of painting" in Chinese painting and the "action painters" idea of the painting as a residue of a struggle.

With that aside, I am trying to censor less and let some things move through the brush.  

I also finished priming a new 7by8 foot canvas and 3 big papers for experimentation.  These are some things I am trying out:

*representing states of/layers of consciousness 
*making a painting that is a portrait/landscape/still life at the same time 
*working myself into an altered state of consciousness while painting/meditating while painting/meditating before painting

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